Published Work Features:

How Many Paid Vacation Days Would You Get If You Worked At Cyberdyne?
Tron’s Lightcycles: 1983 vs. 2010 Model Comparison
H.G. Wells Strikes Back with ‘Things To Come’
Sci-Fi Rewind: Memories of ‘Starstuff’
The Binary Snowjob – A History of Cinematic Computers That Never Were
Roll Into The LA Dolls’ Electrical Derby
In The Future, Our Pride May Be Robotic
SF Great Turns ‘Tec: Alfred Bester Introduces Nero Wolfe
fMRI Experiments Are Fishy At Best

Slashdot Features:

(Hack) and Slash: Doing the LORD’s Work
Ogg Vorbis – The Free Alternative To MP3
Ottawa Linux Symposium 2000 : Tech Rocks!
Kuro5hin – Bitter and Hopeful
LinuxFest 2000 : More Penguins Than People
LinuxFest 2000 : Show Your Support
Sixteen Degrees of Separation
TurboLinux Layoffs
The Digital Divas vs. Microsoft
The Few, The Proud, The Geeks
GPL Violation – nVIDIA
Outcast : Censorship Under The Digital Union Jack?
Making Music with Linux : Notation and Alphabet Soup
Making Music with Linux : Mastering, Bandwidth and Synthesis
Where Daemons and Dragons Collide
Making Music with Linux : We’re Getting There…
Communication and the Open Source Community
Tux on the Upper West Side
Giving Back
DVD CCA Part II – Waiting For The Judge
New DVD Lawsuits Filed by the MPAA
DVD CCA Battle Continues Next Week
DVD Hearing Victory – We Won, For Now

OpenSourceIT Features:

These articles have been through at least four site redesigns, and may not actually be readable.

Programming Mecca
Adoption Barrier : The Install
Myth No More : Linux Software Options Editorials:

These editorials are hosted by Gareth Watts’ Article Archive.

Big Things, Small Packages
I Want My Tub Back
Linux and the Franklin Institute
Linux: It’s The Real Thing
Linux: It’s The Real Thing, Part II
LUGFest III: Adventure in Simi Valley
Eazel: Strangely Optimistic
It’s Never About The Benjamins
Because We Love It
Portability Rocks!
Music Notes
The Dependency From Mars
Linux Unplugged
The Way-Back Machine

Droxy Blogging:

Droxy no longer exists.

Laurie’s Curious XM E-mail
Neither Sirius or XM Perform Sneak Attack on Pearl Harbor
Radio – Change or Die!
Tales of the Texas Rangers
Oh, stop it. Please just stop.
Seattle Times Weighs In On Satellite
Spooky Music, Sound Effect
Rolling Stone’s Inevitable Satellite Radio Piece
On The Road with XM, Part I
On The Road with XM, Part II
XM-Enabled Toyota Avalon, Lexus GS 300 and Lexus 430 Available
Karmazin To Address ‘Underserved’ Women
Podcasting with Sirius
The Endless MP3/Satellite Discussion
XM to be ‘Official Satellite Network’ of Air America
Bill Bradley to bring ‘American Voices’ to Sirius
Zipcar goes XM
Trick Daddy Brings The Beats To XM
Martha Stewart Living coming to Sirius

The following pieces are still online, but are no longer published by the client.

LinuxJournal Editorials:

Do Your Homework
Linux on Holiday?

Andover News Network Editorials:

The Many Flavors of GNU/Linux
License and Registration, Please…
The Swiss Army Knife of the Computer Industry
The Obligatory Microsoft Breakup Column
The Welcome Wagon Revisited
You’re New Here, Aren’t You?
The Revolution Will Not Be Corporatized
Dear Eminem
The Ottawa Linux Symposium
T-shirts. Nothing Else Matters.
Live from LWCE
Bring Me The Head of an AbiWord Developer
King of the Mountain
The Cynical View
You Know, For Kids!
Community, Technology, Industry : Back To Basics
The Linux-Coolness Meter
Happy (Linux) Halloween!

LinuxToday Features:

The Welcome Wagon
Linux at COMDEX in India
The Phoenix Adaptive Firewall – Security Through Obscurity?
Let The Games Begin! Apologizes to Linux Users
Open Source Zealotry at 3dfx!
‘The Community Future’
‘The Open Source Community vs. The Mainstream Media’
Daily Coverage of ‘TheBazaar’
Daily Coverage of ‘TheBazaar’
TheBazaar Day One Wrap-Up
TheBazaar Day Two Wrap-Up
VA Linux’s SourceForge Talk of Show at TheBazaar
TheBazaar Day Three Wrap-Up
Sleepycat Software Marketing VP Mike Olsen at TheBazaar
Ralph Nader Bazaar Keynote Suggests New Industry Path
‘User Friendly’ cartoonist J.D. ‘Illiad’ Frazer at TheBazaar
Eric Raymond – ‘The Art of UNIX Programming’ and other cool things
What Happened to MassLinux?
Apache Software Foundation Member Ken Coar Interview